Protecting & Promoting Parental Rights Tagline

Our Mission Statement

The Irreplaceable Parent Project (TIPP) works to guarantee that
the natural, necessary and active role parents play in the lives of their children
is recognized and respected by government organizations and the public
through critical advocacy, attention and education, affirming parents.

About Us... And You

Parents have an irreplaceable role in the life of their children and there are rights that naturally go along with this role. These rights are understood at such a fundamental level that some may think they don't need to worry about or defend them... but they'd be wrong. There is a lot that we have taken for granted, for parental rights have faded, are being ignored or are disappearing. This erosion has been happening for decades.

Parents that do not stand up for their rights will not be able to stand up for their children. Parents are busy every day and this focused advocacy is necessary and important. The need to recognize the current state of parental rights, and to work on regaining/defending them, is crucial now. Governments should acknowledge the inherent nature of parental rights, safeguard them, and not be seen as grantors of them.

This is why The Irreplaceable Parent Project was created. TIPP will be a constant presence advocating for parental rights. Together, we can and will work to regain and defend parental rights, for the sake of our children. It is only common sense to generally acknowledge that parents are better able to parent their children than any government or organization.

Our actions will be three-fold:

  • Informing and educating parents at the ground level of the bigger picture. Parents need to know where they stand, as information is power! This will help you to be prepared and to respond in your daily life to the changing dynamics around you and your children.
  • Working on policy/legislative solutions. Officials and organizations who show they respect parental rights deserve support and help. We will propose solutions and work on having them implemented in more than one area of governmental oversight.
  • Drawing attention to this issue through various communication options, direct and indirect.

TIPP is for everyone who cares about parental rights. Host a speaking event and open the doors wide or take the time to come to come to hear the important information presented in the TIPP Talks. Gather your friends and communities, and engage in this battle for a parent’s role in the lives of our children and the future of the family – a united and focused effort are needed.

Give your financial support because this is about family, and there is nothing more unifying or basic in our lives. It's time, past time, to stand together.

Shawna Sundal - Portfolio picture

About Shawna Sundal

Shawna Sundal has been successfully advocating on behalf of families to the government, organizations and the public since 2018. She is known for her defense of parents, families and freedom. While travelling all around Alberta doing public speaking, Shawna has been able to connect with families and listen to their concerns and experiences firsthand. She understands that the education and health of our children are being targeted as opportunities to side-step parents and that the issues are overlapping. Shawna realized that zeroing in on the parental rights issue is urgent due to its fundamental nature, and so The Irreplaceable Parent Project was founded.

Shawna is a wife and mother of two. She believes that the intersection of beliefs, heritage and common sense in the public square are critical for the health of our society. The freedom to weigh the issues and make choices is essential to preserve, because parental rights are a responsibility given by God, not a gift bestowed by the government.